How To Use Adobe Premiere Pro - Importing and Organizing Footage (Ep #6)

How To Use Adobe Premiere Pro - Importing and Organizing Footage (Ep #6)

How To Use Adobe Premiere Pro - Importing and Organizing Footage, blog post by Darius Stevens Wilhere

If you want to make movies, you need to know how to edit, and while my courses certainly provide a deeper understanding of the editing process in general, I wanted to do a series of tutorials for anyone who wants to get acquainted with the basics of editing.

In this lesson we begin by learning how to open Premiere, create a project, import your footage into the project and organize it. These are the crucial steps that one must do before attempting to tackle an edit of any real size. 

Editing is without a doubt, one of my favorite parts of filmmaking and I did my first edit in an old film editing lab way back when I was 10 years old. The process fascinated me back then and still fascinates me to this day. 

Knowing how to edit makes you a better writer, a better director, a better director and even a better actor amongst many of the professions which exist in the film business. So if you don't know how to edit, but want to learn, don't wait any more, click on the above video and get started!   

How To Use Adobe Premiere Pro - Importing and Organizing Footage, blog post by Darius Stevens Wilhere

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